Work of Robert Smith


Did some collaborative work this week, (to motivate Sarah into using the resources, and to distract me from making decisions…) It was seriously fun and stimulating combining our styles, our viewpoints, and bouncing off each other. Because the dolls house was borrowed, we couldn’t drip any paint or Vaseline, which was disappointing, but this is my favourite image…..


Exploring materiality


Being in college today was like one of those refreshing walks on the beach, sea breeze reaching places not refreshed in a while. I boldly returned to paint on canvas. Having spent the last weeks of term exploring materiality in various materials, paint kept showing itself as the material of preference. Even stunning materials like wax and Vaseline cried to have paint combined with them. So today, I took my first step exploring paint on a surface, looking to apply all the playfulness of the sculptural work, but with paint alone.

The first thing I noticed was how easily lost I was in freely applying the paint to canvas, with no desire to be precious. The aroma and feel of paint dripping from the brush, travelling across the surface of the canvas and crying out to bE reloaded was a sensory delight. The joy of working with the material was wonderful.

The second thing I noticed was my lack of desire for a finished painting (hurrah!). This activity was purely about materiality, and so the anticipation of the layers and colours that will be added spurred me on instead of trying to complete an image (hurrah again!). My desire was all around Letting the paint do the work, to react and respond to what it offers.

So for these reasons it deserves a blog post of its own. A day of lessons applied.

And I quite like the forms too…….